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I was reading Alma chapter 29 recently and I thought I’d share some observations that I think are particularly relevant to today’s world. I love how you can keep coming back to scripture to find new things. As we age, mirrors reveal changes,…
Watch the whole thing until the end; this is really powerful stuff. There are several other videos that are really amazing and worth watching because some really great life lessons are taught in a simple way. I just wish we…
“I dunno why you always have to be judging me because I only believe in science.” – Esqueleto, Nacho Libre I love this video, I came across it the other day and it is awesome on so many levels. It was put up on…
Eyes to See
I love the story of Elisha and the servant when they were surrounded by the Aramean army. Early the next morning, when the servant of the man of God arose and went out, he saw the force with its horses…
How are we “Saved”?
Cut a Covenant
Repentance: the Renewal of the Mind
Spices, Gnats, and Camels
Zeal isn’t necessarily a bad thing, I think it tends to amplify our actions whether they are misguided or on point. Sometimes we can focus too much on the letter that we miss the Spirit or the weightier matters. Those…
If ye will repent ye shall be saved – Alma 22:6
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- New Photo of Joseph Smith Discovered? (for real this time?) 103 views
- Analysis of an Incredible Eve/Mary Artwork by a Roman Catholic Nun 49 views
- The Whole Book of Mormon in 15 Verses via gentlyhewstone.com 48 views
- Joseph Smith on Truth 47 views
- What are Doctrines, Principles & Applications? 47 views
- Characteristics vs. Attributes: Demystifying Lectures 3 and 4 46 views
- A Professional Logo Designer’s Analysis of The Church’s New Symbol 40 views
Why We Celebrate the United States Constitution
Guest author and headmaster of American Heritage Academy in Las Vegas, NV shares some of the history about the divine influence that brought our constitution into the world.
Ravening Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing
The Proper Role of Government
The Book of Mormon Condemns the New World Order
Man, I’m on a video kick right now. I’ve been coming across some pretty intriguing things in the last few days. I’m starting to like this guy, Emil Ihsan-Alexander Torabi and this particular video that addresses simple, practical approaches to…
Inspiring Thai Commercial
Earthly Father, Heavenly Father
Silent Night #LightTheWorld
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