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Contention must be avoided at all costs. The entire media industry exists off of creating and distributing stories that stir people up into contention for the sole purpose of selling advertising or getting gain. They are like Zeezrom and the…
A group of 70 or so “books”, each with between five and 15 lead leaves bound by lead rings, was apparently discovered in a remote arid valley in northern Jordan somewhere between 2005 and 2007 – but are they real or a well-crafted hoax?
What if we modernized Korihor’s philosophies and compared them to the kinds of things we hear people saying today? For morning study a couple days ago, I started off reading about the sons of Mosiah but then felt like reading about…
“The Gospel” by Elder John M. Madsen
My dad contacted me today about a quote that mentioned something about the atonement not being a part of the gospel but the gospel itself. I Googled the phrase and found this talk by Elder Madsen. Now I had first…
Macrocosm, Mesocosm, Microcosm
Macrocosm: the harmonious order of the natural Universe. Mesocosm: the harmonious order reflected in the organization of society, in art, architecture, music, and sacred objects made by people. Microcosm: the harmonious order of the Macrocosm reflected in miniature within the…
Belief and doubt speculate, while faith seeks to demonstrate.
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- The Whole Book of Mormon in 15 Verses via gentlyhewstone.com 107 views
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Was 9/11 our Mormon 3:10?
The wickedness of the Nephites proved their destruction, that we know. Part of this wickedness was a dramatic shift in their policy of war, a policy that we have adopted here in our day.
“I dunno why you always have to be judging me because I only believe in science.” – Esqueleto, Nacho Libre I love this video, I came across it the other day and it is awesome on so many levels. It was put up on…
My Dad is a Liar
VIDEO: The Mystery of Magenta
Sugar, Sugar, Sugar!
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