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This is an excerpt taken from the Autobiography of Parley P. Pratt in which his call to the apostleship was recorded. The charge given by Oliver Cowdery to Pratt and the twelve is nothing short of amazing and has always impressed me.
“I then remarked that marriage was an institution of h[e]aven institude [instituted] in the garden of Eden, that it was necessary that it should be Solemnized by the authority of the everlasting priesthood,” (from a Joseph Smith journal entry, Nov.…
This video is a total must see to get you in the spirit of the Christmas season. Every now and then true goodness just spills out into the open and it is amazing the effect that it has.
I’d like to thank my good friend Mike King for being the catalyst that inspired this article. The Bible verses are all from the New American Standard Version just for kicks, thanks, Andrew T. There’s a verse in the Book…
…And Say Unto You, ‘Receive the Mind of God’
He Lives and Loves
The Course Which They Pursue
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Macrocosm, Mesocosm, Microcosm
Video: Secrets in Plain Sight
“The intensity of our desire to share the gospel is a great indicator of the extent of our personal conversion.” – Dallin H. Oaks
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VIDEO: The Miracle of Life
Sugar, Sugar, Sugar!
Can you get hooked on diet soda? via CNN.com
Rage Against the Machine via Junior Ganymede
This is an interesting read from MC over at Junior Ganymede. The original post can be viewed at its source here, but I’ve included the entirety of it here below: My oldest will be old enough for Kindergarten in the…
Was 9/11 our Mormon 3:10?
Joseph Smith on Three Truths
None Dare Call it Conspiracy
The following article was originally published on Bryce Haymond’s TempleStudy.com The conference “Enoch and the Temple,” which took place on February 19 and 22, 2013, in Logan, Utah, and Provo, Utah, respectively, was filmed. The videos are now available for free…
JRNL Rootstech video with yours truly
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Silent Night #LightTheWorld
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