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“And I also beheld… a large and spacious field, as if it had been a world. And I saw numberless concourses of people, many of whom were pressing forward, that they might obtain the path which led unto the tree…” (1…
Check out the full video of my presentation at Rootstech titled Journaling Principles That Work. I’m posting this here having not had the chance to actually watch the whole thing, I’ve only seen the first 2o minutes or so, but…
I came across this post the other day that had some interesting perspectives on repentance. How many Saints are focused way too much on the “subtraction” aspect of the repentance process? How many are locked in guilt-laden cycles focused on ceasing behavior…
Everyone wants a miracle
God can do miracles, but so can the adversary – BUT…
Plato, The Allegory of the…Living Room
Below is an excerpt of Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” with a few minor edits I’ve introduced. [Socrates] And now, I said, let me show in a figure how far our nature is enlightened or unenlightened: – Behold! human beings living…
The Shelf vs. The Garden
Of Parables, Symbols and QR Codes
The Eye of God or Man?
There is no compulsion in religion. – Qur’an 2:256
New Post Updates
- New Photo of Joseph Smith Discovered? (for real this time?) 97 views
- What are Doctrines, Principles & Applications? 51 views
- The Whole Book of Mormon in 15 Verses via gentlyhewstone.com 44 views
- Joseph Smith on Truth 44 views
- Understanding the atonement by understanding the body 44 views
- Characteristics vs. Attributes: Demystifying Lectures 3 and 4 41 views
- Analysis of an Incredible Eve/Mary Artwork by a Roman Catholic Nun 39 views
Persuasion vs. Force
Too often lawmakers resort to the force of law rather than the power of persuasion to solve a problem in society. In this brilliant essay, Mark and Jo Ann Skousen proclaim a better way…
Has the final thread snapped?
The Motto of the Church of Latter-day Saints
The Proper Role of Government
Was 9/11 our Mormon 3:10?
This is the first of 6 videos that are being done for the Isaiah Institute and Avraham Gileadi. He hasn’t allowed embedding on these videos so just click the graphic below. I thought these were pretty well done and if…
- Academy for Temple Studies
- Book of Mormon Onomasticon
- Bruce Charlton's Notions
- Hemlock Knots
- Interpreter Foundation
- Isaiah Explained
- Isaiah Explorer
- Isaiah Institute
- Isaiah Prophecy
- Junior Ganymede
- Latter-day Saint Architecture Blog
- Latter-day Saint Temples
- LDSSymbols.com
- Leading Saints
- Number in Scripture by E. W. Bullinger
- Sixty Symbols
- Spiritual Arson Podcast
- Strongs Concordance
- TempleStudy
- The Ancient Context of Joseph Smith's Egyptian Alphabet and Grammar
- Webster's 1828 Dictionary
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