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This is an excerpt from a book by Sheri Dew about President Nelson [1] and I wanted to share it along with some commentary. As President of the Quorum of the Twelve, President Nelson encouraged frequent conversation with his Brethren…

In Lehi’s vision, there are 18 references to the fruit of the tree of life with only 9 references to the tree itself. (1 Nephi 8) In Nephi’s vision, there is a larger focus on the tree of life with…

The following talk was given on January 14th, 2024 by Steve Reed in a Sacrament meeting. In the Bible, “a word of wisdom” refers to guidance or advice that reflects divine understanding. It is often associated with the concept of…

There are a lot of things that I believe are true and a lot of things that I do not believe are true. There are also things that I “know” are true like the existence of the city of Jerusalem.…

It has occurred to me over the years that there is something significant about white cloth and its use in religious practices and metaphors.


Belief and doubt speculate, while faith seeks to demonstrate.

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In the September 2012 edition of the Latter-day Saint publication The Ensign, David Brent Marsh wrote: God foresaw our day and called the Prophet Joseph Smith to bring forth the Book of Mormon to help us. Of the 239 chapters in the Book of Mormon,…

Zeal isn’t necessarily a bad thing, I think it tends to amplify our actions whether they are misguided or on point. Sometimes we can focus too much on the letter that we miss the Spirit or the weightier matters. Those…