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There are a lot of changes happening in the Church today, and for some, it is refreshing, but for others, it is concerning. I have heard some explain that various groups that have criticized the Church are happy with some…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMlIsazxhPU Stefan Molyneux is someone that I enjoy listening to for his perspectives on various topics. This was an interesting conversation between Stefan and Dr. Duke Pesta where they are discussing the 10 Commandments and I thought that there were…
“For us, divine inspiration does not mean God possesses a man, and simply dictates the inspired text to him. But rather God implants into a man’s mind a general concept. And when God does that, he allows the man to…
Everyone wants a miracle
God can do miracles, but so can the adversary – BUT…
Perhaps most of us throw around the word “symbolism” without understanding the various nuances of the subject. I created ldsSymbols.com with reference to the word “symbols’ because that is what most people understand. Alonzo Gaskill’s book “The Lost Language of Symbolism” defines…
Looking forward without your eyes
Plato, The Allegory of the…Living Room
Notes From the Climb: Jan 2013
That Great Book Written in Symbols
And for arrogance, I have seen nothing breed it faster or in more offensive forms than the worship of the letter. – George MacDonald
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60 Great quotes on war
Here are 60 great quotes on war that are prophetically relevant to our current day and age.
A trailer for a new movie called “Soul” dropped recently about a movie where the main character goes to a “spirit world” awaiting the “great beyond” and accidentally wanders into an area that isn’t heaven but is a kind of…
VIDEO: The Mystery of Magenta
The Inner Life of a Cell – Amazing!
My Dad is a Liar
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