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Here’s the simple pattern for study that leads to change: Yep, that’s it! You probably want a little background and explanation though, huh? I mentioned this process in an article back in August but didn’t elaborate on it. The original…
This post is an announcement that I have made significant updates to the post “A Proposed Reinterpretation of Jacob 2:30,” which I published here in 2017. While I was making these last updates, I took some time to make improvements…
I need anyone experienced with book publishing, Deseret Book, etc. to assist me on a special project. The purpose of the project has to do with the Book of Mormon and sharing the Gospel. I don’t plan on any monetary…
“Have You Been Saved?” by Dallin H. Oaks
By Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, May 1998 What do we say when someone asks us, “Have you been saved?” This question, so common in the conversation of some Christians, can be puzzling to…
“If it hasn’t happened to you—it should.”
He Lives and Loves
The Greater and Lesser Arches
The Eye of God or Man?
I was looking at this picture of the Salt Lake Temple the other day and had a thought. Typically, the “all-seeing eye” of God is depicted within a triangle and not an oval. This version also has a veil-like curtain…
Mikveh: Jewish ritual immersion in water
Micro, Meso, Macro in Scripture Study
He is not here, but is risen – Luke 24:6
New Post Updates
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- Sebus, Severed Arms, and Humility Unto Salvation 48 views
Virtue in the people
To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people, is a chimerical idea.James Madison
Interpreters and Combinations
The Proper Role of Government
There are two consequences in history…
Has the final thread snapped?
Baptist Minister Paul Washer preaches a powerful sermon to a group baptist youth with some wise words on the topic of salvation.
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- The Ancient Context of Joseph Smith's Egyptian Alphabet and Grammar
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