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As I pondered the word meaning this morning the phrase “The Power and Paradox of Meaning” popped into my head as a summation of my thoughts. Our lives each unfold in both expected and unexpected ways. Some things we desired,…

“The size of your faith or the degree of your knowledge is not the issue—it is the integrity you demonstrate toward the faith you do have and the truth you already know.” (Lord, I Believe, April 2013 General Conference) What…

We talked about the Lord’s challenge in Malachi 3:10 to “prove me now herewith” in our church lesson today. Some old thoughts connected with some new ones so I thought I’d write up a post about it. The Hebrew word used…

Source: TempleStudy.com The Interpreter Foundation has announced the availability of the videos of the presentations given at the 2014 Temple on Mount Zion Conference which took place on 25 October 2014 in Provo, Utah. Videos of each of the presentations are now…


Faith is open to the impossible, as well as the possibility of being wrong.

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This is an interesting read from MC over at Junior Ganymede. The original post can be viewed at its source here, but I’ve included the entirety of it here below: My oldest will be old enough for Kindergarten in the…

My father asked me to put a video together for their ward to help get people into the Christmas spirit and turn their thoughts to the Savior. As I was assembling images, I thought to myself how important it is…