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This week, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints published a new gospel topic titled Becoming Like God. Personally, I thought they did a great job with this piece, hit all the right scripture verses, and explained the doctrine…
“For us, divine inspiration does not mean God possesses a man, and simply dictates the inspired text to him. But rather God implants into a man’s mind a general concept. And when God does that, he allows the man to…
The plot thickens in the story of these lead plates. Are they real? Are they fakes? More evidence on both sides of the argument.
The Book of Mormon Really Teaches This?
Here are several teachings from the Book of Mormon concerning salvation through Jesus Christ that Latter-day Saints and the rest of the Christian world can appreciate together.
Tutorial on How to Use LDS Symbol Cards
I created LDS Symbol Cards but didn’t really do much in the way of providing instructions. I thought I’d put together a little video that explains their origins and how I use them personally. Even if you don’t have any cards,…
Spices, Gnats, and Camels
Sugardoodle presents: Temple Symbol Hunt
Symbolism on my mind.
The discomfort one feels from the scornful mocking coming from the great and spacious building is directly proportional to the value one ascribes to their opinions.
New Post Updates
- New Photo of Joseph Smith Discovered? (for real this time?) 103 views
- Analysis of an Incredible Eve/Mary Artwork by a Roman Catholic Nun 49 views
- The Whole Book of Mormon in 15 Verses via gentlyhewstone.com 48 views
- What are Doctrines, Principles & Applications? 48 views
- Joseph Smith on Truth 47 views
- Characteristics vs. Attributes: Demystifying Lectures 3 and 4 46 views
- The “All-Seeing-Eye” Symbol and the Urim and Thummim Connection 41 views
Contention must be avoided at all costs. The entire media industry exists off of creating and distributing stories that stir people up into contention for the sole purpose of selling advertising or getting gain. They are like Zeezrom and the…
Rage Against the Machine via Junior Ganymede
Joseph Smith on Three Truths
There are two consequences in history…
Sugar: The Bitter Truth
Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology, explores the damage caused by sugary foods. He argues that fructose (too much) and fiber (not enough) appear to be cornerstones of the obesity epidemic through their effects on insulin.
Video: My Heavenly Father Loves Me
Video: Joseph Smith’s Last Dream
Video: Secrets in Plain Sight
- Academy for Temple Studies
- Book of Mormon Onomasticon
- Bruce Charlton's Notions
- Hemlock Knots
- Interpreter Foundation
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- Isaiah Explorer
- Isaiah Institute
- Isaiah Prophecy
- Junior Ganymede
- Latter-day Saint Architecture Blog
- Latter-day Saint Temples
- LDSSymbols.com
- Leading Saints
- Number in Scripture by E. W. Bullinger
- Sixty Symbols
- Spiritual Arson Podcast
- Strongs Concordance
- TempleStudy
- The Ancient Context of Joseph Smith's Egyptian Alphabet and Grammar
- Webster's 1828 Dictionary
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