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I’d like to give an internet high-five to the Church for this great page they put up for the youth called “Symbolism and Temple Preparation”. We do a great job of teaching “that the teaching in the temples is done in…

I have been having a great time digging through Avraham Gileadi’s book “The End From the Beginning” which analyzes Isaiah’s apocalyptic vision of the last days. My favorite kind of books are the ones that help me connect the dots,…

Every fast and testimony meeting I can’t help but ponder what people mean by what they say. I suppose that only the person themselves really understands what they are trying to do by going up to the stand and speaking. One person…

I came across this post the other day that had some interesting perspectives on repentance. How many Saints are focused way too much on the “subtraction” aspect of the repentance process? How many are locked in guilt-laden cycles focused on ceasing behavior…


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A fantastic short video that will help you appreciate the beautiful mathematical structure of nature. You’ll never look at a shell, flower or insect the same way again ;)