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We forget, but God does not forget. The scriptures enlarge our memories, as does the Holy Sabbath, journals and our own personal sacred records.

“These are trying times”Probably everyone at some point in time Even if the “times” you live in are prosperous and joyful, you personally could be going through your own trying times independent of anyone else. For me, I remember a…

I came across this post the other day that had some interesting perspectives on repentance. How many Saints are focused way too much on the “subtraction” aspect of the repentance process? How many are locked in guilt-laden cycles focused on ceasing behavior…

The symbol of a mountain is a common archetype in religious traditions and is it any wonder? Their everlasting stability, their untouchable heights and the way the light paints them in quiet mornings and sets them afire in evenings have…


If ye will repent ye shall be saved – Alma 22:6

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Well, it’s not technically a horoscope, but if anyone is curious about the future of any greedy, secret groups seeking to destroy any kind of government that grants liberty to the people, then here is a look at some history that they will and are repeating.

This is a really interesting take for a number of reasons. I’m planning on doing a podcast about some of this and the relationship between patterns and meaning.