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“And I also beheld… a large and spacious field, as if it had been a world. And I saw numberless concourses of people, many of whom were pressing forward, that they might obtain the path which led unto the tree…” (1…

The duty of Christians toward their fellow men and women is to let their light shine, not to force on them their interpretations of God’s designs. I think this is so profoundly simple and the truth so self-evident that it…

This phrase occurs only in the Book of Mormon but it has always drawn my interest as to what it could mean. I’ve studied it for quite a while and would like to share a little of what I have found thus far.

By Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, May 1998 What do we say when someone asks us, “Have you been saved?” This question, so common in the conversation of some Christians, can be puzzling to…

Is there an amazing host of rich symbolism contained in the architecture of LDS chapels? I’ve put together some information that suggests that there is more than meets the eye; you might never look at you local chapel the same way again.


For the fruit of the Spirit is in all…truth – Eph 5:9

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We have all probably heard some variation of the idea that the constitution will one day “hang by a thread”. What is that last thread and how will we know if it has snapped or not? Here is something to consider…