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The COVID-19 crisis has presented us with a unique opportunity to reaffirm and shore up religious freedom. We have witnessed the government’s swift, well-intentioned, but often dangerous breaching of the boundaries that protect the free exercise of religion.Do we hear…
Some recent quotes and ideas that I found interesting. Everything will be okay in the end. If everything’s not okay, it’s not the end. -via Jeremiah NTJ and Bookslinger, jrganymede.com The discomfort one feels from the scornful mocking coming from…
“And he hath power given unto him from the Father to redeem them from their sins because of repentance; therefore he hath sent his angels to declare the tidings of the conditions of repentance,which bringeth unto the power of the…
Sacrament: The Witness of the Willing
I’ve been thinking about how we refer to the sacrament as an ordinance that “renews” our baptismal covenants, but is that all there is to it or is there more? Of course there is more! The more I learn about any gospel topic or doctrine, the more I find incredible depth and richness.
Receive the Holy Ghost by David A. Bednar
Eyes to See
He Lives and Loves
Video: The Purifying Power of Gethsemane
The Two Trees
In her 2010 FAIR Conference presentation “The Two Trees”, Valerie Hudson discusses the relationship and differences between men and women in the gospel with insights into the two trees in the Garden of Eden.
There is no way to peace; peace is the way – A.J. Muste
New Post Updates
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Why We Celebrate the United States Constitution
Guest author and headmaster of American Heritage Academy in Las Vegas, NV shares some of the history about the divine influence that brought our constitution into the world.
Let Us Have Peace by J. Reuben Clark Jr.
Rage Against the Machine via Junior Ganymede
There are two consequences in history…
Joseph Smith on Three Truths
Video: Secrets in Plain Sight
Set aside a good 3 hours and 43 minutes for a mind-bending tour laced with unbelievable parallels that defy coincidence. At first, the video might seem a little conspiracy-theoryish, but give it a chance and wait for the math. You’re…
The ALL-NEW IsaiahExplained.com!
Weapons of Love
Why Change is So Hard
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- The Ancient Context of Joseph Smith's Egyptian Alphabet and Grammar
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