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Here are several teachings from the Book of Mormon concerning salvation through Jesus Christ that Latter-day Saints and the rest of the Christian world can appreciate together.
I’m excited to announce the official publication of a little temple-related project that I’ve been working on. It all began with this idea: “What would it look like if you reconstructed the temple experience purely from scripture alone?” As I…
We consider that God has created man with a mind capable of instruction, and a faculty which may be enlarged in proportion to the heed and diligence given to the light communicated from heaven to the intellect; and that the…
The Greater and Lesser Arches
This week, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints published a new gospel topic titled Becoming Like God. Personally, I thought they did a great job with this piece, hit all the right scripture verses, and explained the doctrine…
Salvation: Where does one begin?
Video: The Purifying Power of Gethsemane
He Lives and Loves
I was up in Utah for a wedding and while driving around American Fork I stopped my car when I saw this LDS meetinghouse. I was immediately reminded of a chapel here in Nevada that I really like. Just like…
“Chasing angels or fleeing demons, go to the mountains.” – Jeffrey Rasley
New Post Updates
- New Photo of Joseph Smith Discovered? (for real this time?) 101 views
- What are Doctrines, Principles & Applications? 51 views
- Joseph Smith on Truth 45 views
- The Whole Book of Mormon in 15 Verses via gentlyhewstone.com 45 views
- Understanding the atonement by understanding the body 44 views
- Characteristics vs. Attributes: Demystifying Lectures 3 and 4 44 views
- Analysis of an Incredible Eve/Mary Artwork by a Roman Catholic Nun 40 views
Short Film: Discovering the Word of Wisdom
Say Cheese! Wait, On Second Thought…
Joseph Smith on Three Truths
A simple quote from the prophet Joseph Smith that emphasizes in a unique way the divine origins of our Constitution.
None Dare Call it Conspiracy
The Book of Mormon Condemns the New World Order
The Motto of the Church of Latter-day Saints
Let Us Have Peace by J. Reuben Clark Jr.
Did you know that you can “read” temples? What if all of the temples around the world today constituted a vast library of new scripture just waiting to be read if we had eyes to see? This presentation covers some basic…
Video: Secrets in Plain Sight
Documentary: That Promised Day
Family…It’s Worth Fighting For
Spices, Gnats, and Camels
- Academy for Temple Studies
- Book of Mormon Onomasticon
- Bruce Charlton's Notions
- Hemlock Knots
- Interpreter Foundation
- Isaiah Explained
- Isaiah Explorer
- Isaiah Institute
- Isaiah Prophecy
- Junior Ganymede
- Latter-day Saint Architecture Blog
- Latter-day Saint Temples
- LDSSymbols.com
- Leading Saints
- Number in Scripture by E. W. Bullinger
- Sixty Symbols
- Spiritual Arson Podcast
- Strongs Concordance
- TempleStudy
- The Ancient Context of Joseph Smith's Egyptian Alphabet and Grammar
- Webster's 1828 Dictionary
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